Alongside the Visy Contractor Management for Visy contracting companies, Visy uses a special portal that allows individual workers to manage their own details and compliance. The Visy Worker Portal is for the employees of registered contracting companies. Once your company is registered in the Visy Contractor Management System, the company administrator will register you and may also elect to invite you to the Worker Portal.
Who is the Worker Portal for?
The Worker Portal is for workers registered to a Visy contracting company. You can only be invited to the Worker Portal when your company has been registered in the Visy Contractor Management System. This registration is usually done by your company administrator, so speak to them if you’d like access to the Worker Portal, and they’ll invite you. The emailed invitation will include a link and your access details.
What do I do in the Worker Portal?
Once you’ve been invited by your company to login to the Visy Worker Portal, you’ll be able to edit your personal information, add your work roles, update your competencies, and upload any required licences. Essentially, you’ll be able to manage all details in your profile as a contracting worker for Visy, meaning you can ensure your compliance to work for Visy.
Where do I find the Worker Portal?

The link to the Worker Portal will be found in your emailed invitation, which is sent to you when your company is registered to work for Visy. Speak to your company administrator about sending you an invitation with the link and your access details. If you have login details, you can find the Worker Portal by following the link below.